
Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mark Your Calendars: Free Tax Prep Begins Again in February 2009

The Central Community Redevelopment Agency (CCRA) will be serving as a site for Free Income Tax Preparation this year.

Don't go out early and get your taxes done and pay a big part of your return with fees or Refund Anticipation loan costs--wait, and get them done for free, beginning the first week in February at one of the sites listed below! The Earned Income Tax Credit, the Child Tax Credit, and the Education Credit may be available to your family if you earned under a certain amount this past year, and we don't want you to lose the benefit of these credits by paying fees you don't have to pay.

Dial 2-1-1 for an up-to-date schedule, or call the CCRA at (941) 744-2362 for more info about the types of returns that are within the scope of the program.

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